The Rivers Are Slow, The Lake is Good

After spending a solid week fishing a couple of rivers and out in the lake, the lake was the way to go. There were only a couple rivers that were running low and cold with very few fish. Most of the rivers and smaller streams were still locked in with ice or not even flowing into the lake. Fishing was so slow in the rivers that we caught the same fish twice.

fly fishing rainbow trout lake superior tributary

Drew was the first to hook into this kamloop rainbow trout and released it.

fly fishing rainbow trout lake superior tributary

After a while of fishing the same stretch of water, I caught the same fish. A bit of a letdown.

fly fishing steelhead lake superior tributary

We did find one smaller steelhead in there.

Drew had one good day shore fishing in the lake catching 3 or 4 rainbows on his fly rod.

fly fishing rainbow trout in lake superior

But the best fishing took place out in the boat jigging over deep water. There were a couple of very calm, warm and sunny days so we hopped in a boat with our jigging gear and had some really good success lake trout fishing.

Jigging Lake Trout on Lake Superior

Jigging Lake Trout on Lake Superior

Mitch watches the depth finder for fish marks coming off the bottom as Drew and Joe wait anxiously to drop their lines down onto the fish.

Jigging Lake Trout on Lake Superior

Boat Dog

Odin had a good day in the boat too.

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